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Selling to CEOs: 10 ways to find any CEO email address

April 2, 2024

Lottie Taylor


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Reaching out directly to the CEO of your target account can often be a breakthrough moment in your sales outreach. Finally, you’re talking to the person with purchasing power!

However, that’s usually easier said than done. Obtaining a CEO's email address isn't always straightforward - and getting reliable data is even harder.

In this blog, we share not one but ten proven strategies to find a CEO's email address effectively and quickly, along with the pros and cons of each approach. We’ve also included some of our top tips on how to engage with CEO prospects so you can make the most of your high-value connection!

How to find a CEO email address - 10 strategies including pros and cons

1. Use social media

Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook can be valuable resources for finding CEO email addresses. 

Of course, LinkedIn should be your first stop for prospect research, and you might just hit gold and uncover your prospect’s email address or other contact details on their profile page. 

Alternatively, you might be able to start engaging with your target CEO through direct messages or comments, which can later lead to obtaining their email address!

  • Pros: Fast, free, and provides additional details.
  • Cons: Information may not be readily available, response time varies.

2. Leverage company websites

Company websites will sometimes list details of the organization's leadership team, including the CEO. Explore the "About Us" or "Leadership Team" sections of the website to look for the CEO's bio and contact information. Some companies may also list email addresses alongside executive bios or even in the contact section of their website.

  • Pros: Free and straightforward.
  • Cons: May not always lead to results, time-consuming.

3. Tap into alumni networks

Whether from universities or professional organizations, alumni networks can be excellent sources of contact data. If you share an alma mater or professional affiliation with the CEO, you might even reach out to fellow alumni or connections within the network and ask for a referral. Alumni directories or online platforms dedicated to alumni networking may contain more detailed information for the CEO or mutual connections who can help with introductions.

  • Pros: Free and can lead to connections.
  • Cons: Requires existing connections, time-consuming.

4. Search on Google

Google can be a powerful tool for prospect research, especially when used strategically. Conduct targeted searches using the CEO's name, company name, and keywords like "email address" or "contact." You can refine your search results using advanced search operators or limiting to specific website domains, (such as the company's domain).

  • Pros: Easy to use and free.
  • Cons: Can be time-consuming, may not always yield accurate results.

5. Check industry directories

Industry-specific directories and databases often compile contact information for businesses and their executives, including CEOs. Search for relevant directories related to your target CEO's industry or sector to uncover their email address. Some directories may require registration or payment for access to contact details, but others may offer free listings.

  • Pros: Fast and often free.
  • Cons: Dependent on industry coverage and might be beyond a paywall.

6. Attend industry events

What better way to make your connection than in-person, networking face-to-face with your target CEO or their colleagues? Take advantage of networking sessions, panel discussions, and social events to connect with CEOs and exchange contact information. Collecting business cards or connecting on professional networking platforms during these events can lead to you finally obtaining your CEO's email address.

  • Pros: Bonus in-person connection.
  • Cons: Time-consuming, costly.

7. Use an email permutator

Email permutators generate potential email address combinations based on known information such as name and company domain. 

While these tools don't guarantee accuracy, they can provide a starting point for further verification. Experiment with different permutations of the CEO's name and common email address formats, or combine with an email validation tool to until you narrow-down your winning iteration.

  • Pros: Often free and generates multiple potential addresses.
  • Cons: Requires further validation, can be time-consuming.

8. Explore online communities

Online forums like Slack communities or LinkedIn groups related to the CEO's industry or niche may bring you closer to your prospect. Engage with community members, ask for advice or recommendations, and inquire about the CEO's contact information. Members of these communities may share insights or provide introductions that lead to obtaining the CEO's email address.

  • Pros: Free, potential for direct engagement with your target CEO
  • Cons: Dependent on your CEO’s connections and acceptance into their community spaces, time-consuming.

9. Use a sales intelligence tool

Sales intelligence platforms offer advanced features for finding and verifying contact information, including CEO email addresses. These tools utilize data aggregation, email verification algorithms, and integrations with professional networks to provide accurate contact details. A sales intelligence tool like Amplemarket will give you access to verified CEO email addresses in seconds!

  • Pros: Fast, scalable, and provides verified information.
  • Cons: Requires sign-up, may involve cost for premium features.

10. Reach out to the company

When all else fails, you can always try reaching out to your CEO’s colleagues or company and ask for a referral. Be polite and professional in your request, explaining the purpose of your inquiry and why you're seeking the CEO's contact information to make it clear you’re not going to waste their time.

  • Pros: Fast, direct, could yield the most up-to-date information.
  • Cons: Need to navigate gatekeepers, potential for rejection.

Top tips to engage CEO prospects via cold email

Once you’ve found your CEO email address, it’s time to engage! If you’re not used to communicating with high-level decision-makers, this might be daunting, so here are some tips to ensure you make a strong impression and capture the CEO's attention from the outset:

  • Personalize: Tailor your email to the CEO's specific interests, challenges, or industry trends. Reference recent company achievements, industry news, or mutual connections to show you’ve done your research.
  • Refine your subject line: Capture the CEO's interest with a concise and attention-grabbing subject line that speaks to their pain points, leadership, or operational challenges.
  • Communicate value: Don’t get bogged down describing your solution’s features; show how your solution addresses the CEO's pain points and delivers broader business value.
  • Be concise and direct: CEOs are busy professionals with limited time, so keep your email concise, focused, and easy to read. Avoid lengthy paragraphs or unnecessary details and get straight to the point.
  • Establish credibility: Build credibility by showcasing relevant industry experience, client success stories, or referrals from reputable sources. 
  • Include a strong call to action: Clearly outline the next steps and encourage the CEO to take action, whether it's scheduling a call, requesting more information, or exploring a demo. Make it easy for the CEO to respond or engage further with a clear call to action.
  • Follow up strategically: If you don't receive a response to your initial email, follow up strategically with a polite and respectful reminder. Consider sending a follow-up email or connecting on LinkedIn to stay on the CEO's radar without being intrusive - remember, they’re busy people!

The easiest and fastest way to engage CEO prospects

When it comes to finding a CEO's email address and engaging efficiently, using a sales intelligence tool like Amplemarket is your best choice. Between industry-leading data and built-in email verification, Amplemarket provides accurate and up-to-date contact details for CEOs and all your other key decision-makers.

Amplemarket will save you valuable time in all your prospecting research tasks and enable you to reach out to your best-fit prospects quickly and effectively. Sign up for a demo to learn more!

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